Just how flat is Levelland?

You can see your dogs running away for three days...

BBC Blue
1990 Chevy G30 L19 7.4 Beauville TMW EXT
Lubbock Church Van Maternity division Load up Ladies!

DogVan 2.0
1996 Chevy G30 EXT Cargo. All the good stuff 5.7 Back in the SBC again.
Yes. In 1996 Flint produced 16,239 matching make and models of Chevy G30 vans.

Cabin Cruiser
'94 Dodge B350 www.xplorermotorhome.com/
Xplorer MH model 230
230 hp LA series 360 cu in Wedge head Magnum! lol MPI 5.9 A518 OD auto
Dodge finally figures out EFI

Old vans are getting scarce!